Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) testing are typically more complex than testing traditional applications due to the additional hardware and software requirements and the need to simulate a realistic and immersive environment. Alongside our team having the expertise to perform VR and AR testing effectively, our device lab contains all of the specialised equipment to ensure testing is performed across any enterprise and consumer-available environment.

We typically involve several types of testing methodologies when addressing issues with VR and AR games and applications, that incorporate functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, and compatibility testing. We also address and develop recommendations for user comfortability, such as evaluating motion sickness, general comfort, and overall safety. Our testing processes are thorough and comprehensive to ensure that the application meets the needs of users, functions seamlessly and works across any relevant environment.

We pride ourselves in being able to test the latest technologies. If you are looking for Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality Testing Services, please get in touch with our team and we will find you the perfect flexible solution.

Illustration of two people with virtual reality headsets on, with a small virtual moon between them symbolising their playing in VR.

Your solution is our reality

Our experienced team is ready to handle any virtual reality devices and consumer-facing augmented reality applications. We're here to help enhance performance during immersive experiences, establish flawless compatibility across devices and platforms, and ensure top-quality rendering is consistent across the board. No matter the product, we're here to support your goal in creating a user-centric experience.

No Limitations

We test all forms of VR and AR, including enterprise products, consumer-grade products and (our personal favourite) VR and AR games to ensure a seamless experience.

Expert Recommendations

Our team will provide expert objective recommendations on how you can elevate your VR or AR product, ensuring that perfect user experience is a reality.

Flawless VR and AR Testing

We have you covered with our range of testing services.

Contact us

Interested in our VR and AR application testing services? Get in touch and we will get back to you shortly.

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